
My Goals And Stuff

Hiya... I made a blog entry ages ago, listing up my goals and dreams and what the shit not... I thought it needed be updated, so here ya go, version 2010!

1. Most of all I need to find something deep and meaningful that makes all this shit worthwhile.

2. I want to help all my loved ones find happiness and realize their dreams. I am nothing without the people I love.

3. I want to be with SRC, because he's the only person who really understands my mind and shares my interests. Oh who am I kidding? I ruin every relationship.

4. I want to meditate. I need to do it more often and learn to do it properly. I can never seem to relax.

5. I want to practice the occult with SRC. I don't really feel motivated practicing by myself and not comfortable practicing with strangers, but SRC I trust.

6. I need to take care of my health. I easily just forget about that and then my health gets worse. Obviously.

7. I would like to harvest herbs and plants more often. When I was younger I would sometimes, but time just seems to slip away.

8. I would like to learn more about healing. I really like healing, but I believe that this skill will be better used if you study it some.

9. Have fun. My life may not always be meaningful or efficient, but then at least I can do some fun things to pass time.

10. Meet my best friend JSC. She's one of the most loving and loyal people I know and it would be so awesome to get to spend some real life time with her.

11. Help animals get better rights. There are so many animals that need help and all animals need to have stronger rights.

12. Spend more time in nature. I've always loved nature, I just don't have a lot of energy to go out.

13. Get rid of my tics. I have lots of tics of different kinds and they're quite disabling sometimes.

14. I would like to study and practice the occult more. I've always been interested in it, but never really felt motivated.

15. I would like to learn more about tarot. Tarot is quite fascinating, but as everything else in my life, I've just never had the motivation or energy.

16. I would like to get in better shape, so I can be more athletic. I feel so weak and frail right now.

17. Learn to be more independent. I'm actually quite good at taking care of myself, I just don't have the energy, focus and motivation... As with everything in my life.

18. Keep on taking care of my pets. I love them so much and I love to pamper them and make sure they are perfectly happy.

19. Spend lots of time with the children in my life. My cousins OLMKH and MRIKH, as well as a girl named HH. I love them so much.

20. Try to get more energy somehow. I found out that my lack of energy comes from a vitamin D deficiency, so I guess that's the main thing to beat.

21. Eat healthy. I usually have a very healthy diet, but sometimes I loosen it just a little.

22. Try to take care of my bad back. I don't always have the energy to stretch, but I really should.

23. Travel. Sure, why not? Yeah, I don't like to leave the house much, but when I do, I quite like it, I love to photograph different places.

24. Keep in touch with all my friends and loved ones. It happens sometimes that I don't speak to some for quite a while.

25. Try to be more environmentally friendly. I'm already vegan + super healthy, (as in I don't use animal products and I need healthy food) but the environment is important too, not just animals and health!

26. Learn more about herbs and collect them. I've always liked herbs and I believe in their healing powers.

27. Take up karate again. It's quite exhausting, but it's fun and it makes you so much stronger.

28. Keep on practicing contortion. I have always been very flexible, but I don't always keep stretching.

29. I'd like to learn some more wrestling moves. We learned some in karate earlier and I quite do like wrestling.

30. I'd like to make more things from scratch. For examnple, grow my own vegetables, pick them and cook them. I used to be really into that sort of thing.

31. I would like to learn first aid/different kinds of therapies/massage/medical care for animals.

32. I would like to as well learn first aid/therapies and that sort of thing for taking care of children.

33. Try to get enough sunlight. I do take vitamin D in liquid form, but sunlight is a pretty good vitamin source too.

34. I'd like to buy or adopt more pets. At the moment we have our hands full with the cats and snake, but no one knows what the future holds. (It could hold more animals)

35. I want to clean my room. Might not seem like much of a "goal", but my room will always be getting messy and I will always want to keep it... Not so messy. Hence the clean my room goal.

36. I'd like to learn some of those methods for learning autistic children to communicate. I've always been told I'd be great with that.

37. I'd like to do more charity and activism. I'm actually really into that sorta thing, I just... As always... I just don't have the energy.

38. I should try to get enough sleep and at the right time of day. I tend to mess up my rhytm.

39. I should really practice the art of not wasting money. I'm crazy about clothes and jewelry but I really have to learn to shop in moderation!

40. Get my own place! Exclamation point! I've wanted my own apartment for ages, they're just so damn expensive!

41. Spend lots of time on my photography! Another exclamation point! Everyone knows the Signe likes to photograph.

42. Also, model. No, I don't wanna be airbrushed and in a magazine. I like to model for myself or people I know, in different kinds of photos, expressing myself or portraying a theme.

43. I'd like to dance again. As a child I took classes in Hip Hop-Funk, Classic Ballet, Jazz-Show Dance and Show Dance. Also we got to learn some classic ballroom dances and folk dances in gym class.

44. I wanna keep feeding wild birds! I feel really connected to wild birdies somehow and well they don't seem to mind eating out of my hands!

45. I wanna always look perfect! I really like looking my best and wearing my best clothes, I just kinda let it go sometimes, because I'm too depressed or tired to bother.

46. I want to keep making various kinds of art. Of course I've already mentioned photography, but I like other methods as well.

47. I'd like to get a proper education. There was a lot of changing schools and being mentally ill when I was a teen, so I never finished high school, but I'm not dumb.

48. I'd like to get a good job in childcare. Or maybe work with the mentally handicapped. Or with animals. (Or mentally handicapped animal children?)

49. I would like to keep on writing. I write poems sometimes as well as short stories. I also like just writing stuff... Like this list!

50. I would like to learn more self-defense. In general. I know quite much karate and some wrestling already.

51. I would like to learn another language. I'm fluent in Swedish and English and I keep partially studying other languages now and then.

52. I would like to grow my own food. I do sometimes. Like vegetables, fruit, potatoes, spices and that sorta thing. And our Summer garden is always full of fruit and berries!

53. I would like to sew clothes. I have only sewn clothes for school when I was younger, but it would be nice to do it again.

54. I should read more about animal care. I love caring for my animals, but it is always good to read some more about how to take care of your animals as well as possible!

55. I want to somehow make sure everyone knows what "Doctor" Anette Johansson did to me. She's going down.

56. Always keep on buying pretty things! You always need more things! OK, I'll shop in MODERATION.

57. Always keep my room and surroundings nicely decorated. I know, I covered cleaning my room, but the furniture and art is important too!

58. Play around some with science, as well as of course, reading about it. I do have a microscope and some other fun things.

59. Keep on drawing. I know I covered photography, modeling and general art, but I think drawing deserves a mention!

60. Keep on designing clothes. Maybe I'll sew some of them. Either way I like drawing clothes.

61. Keep on singing and practice singing better. I'm basically a compulsive singer and somehow the more I sing (!) the better I get!

62. Throw out stuff I don't need. Yeah, it's important to get new nice things, but it's also important to get rid of all the old shit you don't need.

63. Manage my internet accounts. OK, that's not an "important" thing, but then, I do sort a lot of things by uploading them online or listing them on my websites, so yeah, it's pretty handy. (Hard to explain)

64. I wanna learn braille. Becaaause. I don't know. Blind people use it. And. Well. It's cool to learn stuff. (Hope I never go blind)

65. Learn to play an instrument. I played a bit of piano (or actually organ and keyboard, never really an actual piano) when I was younger. And I can play a mouth harp OK. (As in slightly)

66. Try to keep my things in order. I covered that already? No I covered CLEANING my room and having it nicely DECORATED. Difference.

67. Try to manage all them lists and projects and stuff that I work on at the puterator. Such as this list/project.

68. Learn to shoot a handgun. That's on my list for some reason. Yeah, I guess it's the whole "I can defend myself" thing that I like.

69. Keep on reading about and studying interesting and fascinating things! I sure do love... Various interesting subjects. Yup.

70. Keep learning Swedish Sign Language. Why is that down here when braille is way up there? Probably because I added braille to the list much later, when I wanted to study both braille and sign language more than I did earlier. Or something. Lists aren't always perfect. I can redo the list later maybe, but it's more or less right as it is right now. (I listed up the things before I wrote these details and that. It took me some months because I'm slow or something.)


Portland's West Sylvan Middle School is Out of Control!

Drugs? STDs? Pregnancies? Violence? Bullying? Low attendance? Nope, hugs. Now this is one of the cutest school plagues I have ever seen - I'm kinda glad that out of control hugging is the biggest problem at this school, because it kinda makes you wanna laugh. I mean, sure it seems like a big problem for them, but it would have been a Hell of a lot worse if the problem was drugs or pregnancies or something.

----The hugs were out of control at West Sylvan Middle School.

Students could not pass each other in the hallway without a hug, the principal said. The girls were hugging one another all the time. Kids were late to class because of the hugs.

Classes would end, middle schoolers would eye a classmate at the other end of the hallway, "they'd scream, run down the hallway and jump in each other's arms," Principal Allison Couch said.

It was, Couch said, a virus of hugs.

So the principal banned hugs on the school campus in late February.

The campus of nearly 600 seventh- and eighth-graders joined a growing list of schools nationwide that have halted hugs as well as other behaviors deemed detrimental to teaching and learning.

Couch said she was prompted to act in part because of a school bus incident that drew police. Though she would not describe what happened, she said no students had been harmed.

Also, it appeared to her that some students were hugging others who did not want the sign of affection.

In a March 10 memo written to other school district officials, Couch wrote, "Several parents have called because their child is being hugged, and because there is a 'culture of hugging' here they didn't feel that they could say no."

In at least one case, hugging was used as a form of mockery -- when two eighth-grade girls hugged a seventh-grade boy, she said.

"'They did that to be mean,'" Couch said the boy told her later. "'They don't like me. They did that to be mean.'"

Also, parents reported that girls were using hugging as a game to see how fast boys could become aroused, Couch said, adding, "I was seeing evidence of it."

The policy may sound unreasonable to someone outside the school, she said, but if someone filed a lawsuit because of unwanted touching, a bigger news story would have resulted. ----

Full story HERE