Everybody in the audience loved it, of course. People clapped their hands and stomped their feet and whistled and woo'd. She did some different songs, in some different languages. Her voice was perfect, of course. It ranges three and a half octaves. I'm no expert on these terms, but basically, she can scream pretty dang loud.
She looked fabulous, of course, at age 53, long black kinda messy looking hair, long black dress with some frills on it. She performed each and every song completely perfectly, not a single mistake in her voice. I love her music because it's so passionate. It can be about passionate sex, passionate love, passionate heartbreak or passionate disgust, it doesn't matter, all in all, passion is all the same.
In other news...
...My practice at the kindergarten is going great! I have lots of favorites, in fact, I think basically every child there is my favorite, but in a different way. Some children are just cuddlier than others, some are just cuter than others, some just need a lot of special attention and some just remind me of someone I know... So they're all special to me and they all have their unique qualities.
...I think my dad had a birthday recently. Oh, yes, he turned 57 the day before yesterday. I wonder if he got any presents.
...On the 21st I'll go on karate camp. It will mostly be younger kids there, I think, but whatever, it seems fun, sure, why not?
...On the 30th, my darling Fruppy is coming here. I love him so much. There are no two people closer than me and him.
...And Jackie, my darling, I will always love you, but I can't keep dreaming about being with somebody who will never love me. I miss you so much.
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