

Tatiana, 2003-06-27 - 2007-12-25

Yesterday my mother told me something she heard on the radio. A Swedish artist called Karin Mamma Andersson had told a story of when she and her family went to the San Francisco Zoo. They watched the feeding of a beautiful tiger named Tatiana. She jumped up really high. The man who fed her said she was athletic like a cat and beautiful like a puma.
Anyway, a while later, Karin's son talked to her. The whole day he had had this thing on his mind. How come Tatiana didn't escape? She clearly could have if she wanted to. He saw how high she jumped when she was fed. A time later, the family saw in the news that something had happened at a zoo.

Three men had taunted and provoked a tiger until it jumped out and attacked the men, killing the one who taunted her the most. The tiger was then executed. Her name was Tatiana. I just kept thinking of Tatiana, Tatiana, Tatiana, Tatiana all the time since my mother told me about this yesterday.

When I was home at my computer, I had to Google this and I found some more information on Tatiana. She was born 2003-06-27. The fucking idiots who taunted her were some worthless people who were high on marijuana and yelling and throwing stuff at the tiger. They had criminal records and were hostile with the police and paramedics.

It's not right to kill a beautiful tiger when they've done nothing wrong. She was just defending herself. OK, she was just chillin' in her home and some random drugged up men throw sticks and pine cones at her, yell at her, dangle their feet down the moat wall and annoy the living shit out of her. She goes to attack. I mean what the fuck would you have done in her situation?

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