Butterfly on my finger
I asked my father to open up so I could rescue the butterfly. It seemed a bit weak from the lack of oxygen, also, it seemed to be a young one. I took it out and it just sat on my finger. After a while it got more energy and fluttered a bit with its wings, walking around on me. When it tried to fly, though, it only landed on the ground, it couldn't stay in the air for long.
Butterfly in my hair
Either way, I was in a hurry, so as much as I wanted to stay to make sure the butterfly learned to fly properly, I had to go and eat my lunch and wrap my presents for Majken, so I put the butterfly down on some flowers in a flower pot. I quickly finished my lunch and I wrapped up the gifts for Majken and then we went to the party.
Butterfly on my hand
It was the awesomest party ever. The kids were completely out of control! I joked "If we close our eyes we can pretend they aren't this wild." It was Ebba, 7, Olga, 3, Tora, 3, Nils, 2, Iris, 1 and Majken, 1. Hedvig was unfortunately not there, she is on vacation so she couldn't come. Damn, I love all these kids.
Ebba, Majken and a doll
Ebba was the only one who was remotely calm. She was so sweet to the little kids. I could tell that Majken felt really safe with her. Olga and Tora were of course totally out of control, doing everything that they're not supposed to do. They're tough to deal with, but I love them so much. Nils was pretty wild too, he pretty much followed Olga and Tora and wanted to do everything they did!
Iris and Majken are a bit too small to be completely out of control, but a little out of control, they were. Iris pushed a doll stroller around the little apartment like crazy, while Majken was eagerly trying out her new walking skills by walking around, quite quickly, all over the place. The children did fight some, but they were remotely friendly with each other.
I'm really worried about Jackie. To lead me on and then just dump me, that's hurtful, but to say we are best friends and then block me from contacting her, that's cruel. Thinking of my best friend Frups makes it all better. He comforts me so much. Always has. I love you so much Frupsy.
Me, photo by my father. All other photos in this entry are by me.
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