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OK, this is the first entry on this list - Which is by the way in random order. iSketch is a nice and simple art tool where you can create quite simple pieces of art, kind of like a slightly more advanced version of Paint. Very easy and definitely suitable for children or just beginners in general.

This is a quite basic online photo editor. It is quite limiting for the advanced users, but it's good enough to play a little bit with your photos or drawings. The perk is that it is quite quick to use and that it is online, so you can use it even if you're on a slow computer or if you don't have the time to download a program!

Zombify Yourself
This isn't so much an art tool as it is a photo toy - Turn yourself into a zombie just in time for Halloween! There are several effects to choose from to make you look like a scary undead monster, just like in the movies! Mine is so scary I scare myself! The smile and the sailor dress makes me look even more terrifying!

Another one of those very basic online photo editors. Not very challenging for the more advanced photo editing folks, but good for a quick photo fix or some fun effects on your pictures. Might be fun to play around with if you're making abstract art, as there are a number of textures and color effects to choose from.

This site is seriously fun! Make instant photo-manips with these cool frames! You just upload a pic, choose a frame, center around the face (or whatever area you wish to use) and then click "create" and the picture is instantly done! You can put your face (or other pictures) in many different cool, beautfiul, artistic and funny scenes! You can also put your face on someone else's body!

This isn't really a photo editor as there are no ways to "improve" your photos, but it's a fun and very easy online program from adding clip art and graphics to your photos or artwork. Very good to use as quick little gifts to post on your friends MySpace or FaceBook (like I do for my best friend all the time)

Imagination Cubed
This thing is pretty cool, it's a slightly-more-than-just-basic drawing pad online, but what makes it extra cool is that you can actually draw together, several people, on different computers. Just send someone an invite to come and draw with you (if you know they're on the computer already) and you can draw a purdy picture together!
Another simple photo editor. Some basic photo enhancement tools as well as a few artistic effects you can put on your photos. Not the most challenging or great program exactly, but it is online, quick and free. Good for beginners who just need to quickly adjust a photo or want to play with some effects!

This site is cool! You can make huge posters with your photos, lots of clip art, you can even use audio and video. It's a great way to express yourself even if you're not very good at drawing, because there are so many pre-made graphics to use. Great for making greeting cards or website banners and such!

This site is pretty cool! You can upload photos of yourself or your friends and put your faces on celebrities' bodies or maybe in a work of art! Quite many scenarios to choose from and it seems that if you're a member, you can even upload your own scenarios! I've watched "Corpse Bride" five or six times, but I've never imagined how it would look if the main characters were designed after me!

Another photo decorating toy. This one is sorta "grungy", so I suppose it suits people best that have a modern style. I saw that there weren't a lot of frames or decorations that fit this photo of me with partial red lipstick and a strange stare on my face! I think this site is more suitable for photos of people that are emo, hip hop, punk, rock or anything else kind of "urban"!

As you might have guessed, this is a site which has to do with photos and is fun. This is correct. You choose your effect and upload a photo of your face and then you can see your face on another person's body or maybe in a work of art. Lots of different scenarios to choose from. Pretty cool results.

This is another cool site where you can choose an effect and upload a photo to make an instant photo-manip. Lots of beautiful and artistic scenarios -and some silly ones - to choose from. You can get some really nice results. You are able to crop the photos to fit the scenario you have chosen.

Online photo editing program. According to the website it's the world's most advanced online photo editor and I guess it might be. You can edit your photos with it, but you can also decorate them and put fun effects on them. There's some clip art to choose from as well as frames. You can also put your face on someone else's body!

This is fun! Upload your photo and decorate it with lots of cute and funny graphics and photos, quite big library to choose from! You can add different facial features or maybe a wig, piercing or hat! Quite easy to use and it doesn't get slow. You can make quite realistic results or you can just make something funny!

1 comment:
Oh my god, there's so much useful info above!
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