
She's Dead

Yup, the author of this blog has kicked the bucket. Ha ha! Got ya! Wasn't that funny? I should be dead though. I give up. I don't care who doesn't love who and who isn't happy and whatnot. I give up. I lay down and I die and I forget about Louis and Freya and Gloria and Tifa and Yuffie and Olga and Majken and Arne and Ayo and Feo and Stuart and Katie and Leena and Vladimir and Christy and Sébastyén and Svartis and Misty and Pepsi and Hedvig.

Don't want me to die? Well, sign this petition and please, for more impact, put down your personal reasons to not let Signe the ugly teenage girl to leave this planet ha ha ha ha that's what you get for not caring, fuckbags! I hate this world and everything in it, except some of you, I love and when I say I hate you, that is just a lie.

Here are some purdy pictures of the Signe for y'all.


Anonymous said...

Можешь продолжать жить дальше. Тебя временами интересно читать.

Sorry for non-English comment ;-)

Anonymous said...

P.S.: I reading your blog from Opera's times.

Signe said...
