

Leave people alone! Some ridiculous people try to argue that homophobes need sympathy and that people for gay marriage are usually the hateful ones. What the frikin fuck? I just believe in equal rights. It is sick to say that straight marriage is any better than gay marriage. If homophobic people don't want to be hated or made fun of, they should not in the first place claim that gays should not have the right to marry!

Gender is nothing, it's just a physical thing, love is not based on whether or not you can have a baby together, you can't measure love in fertility! People talk about gay marriage rights as if it is people's right to vote against it. Who the fuck decides that people have the right to decide who gets to marry?

It's a basic right, but it seems people can vote about anything, just collect enough evil people and make them vote and you can probably legalize torturing babies to death. It is sad when democracy fails and instead of choosing the right decision, people go against basic rights. Democracy is designed so that a decision is based on how many people support an option, however, it is difficult when all of the people voting are soulless bullies.

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