
I Really Am Worthless

I dedicate my life to the people that I love, I just want them to be happy, I just want to be close to them. The few people that I really really love, they are so special to me and I'll never find any other people that are anywhere close to the same. I don't even think they are grateful, I don't think they care about me at all and why would they? I mean, they don't love me like I love them, they don't need me like I need them, nobody needs a friend like me.


Unknown said...

What happened Signe, why so down? If you make a difference in one persons life a day, you have immense value. Keep writing, your story, and those of others around you. The talent you show in your writing alone excludes you from being 'worthless'. Cheer up, you are going to be the center of someones world one day, you are a diamond in a sea of broken glass, it may take some time for someone to find you!

Signe said...

eh. i think i'm crap.