
Need a Fake Identity?

Or just an imaginary friend? A scape goat? Do you have an extreme desire to have multiple personalities? Here is where you start then! Just follow this list and you can create your own very believable fake identity in just minutes! Many choices are available, so you can create the identity that you want!

Note: This is only for entertainment purposes, I do not at all encourage the use of fake/multiple identities. I do not own the copyright to any of these websites, I am merely making a list linking to them. If you like these generators, be sure to visit The Generator Blog, where these generators and many more are blogged!

1. Use the Fake Name Generator to generate a random and realistic identity. You can choose gender, name-nationality and home-nationality.

2. Generate your Secret Lover to get a photo of your fake husband, wife, girlfriend or boyfriend. Some are normal looking, while others are bizarre.

3. Create a Virtual Person to get a personality and name for your new fake lover. You will get a list of their interests and other things.

4. Play with the photo or any photo, to get an image that looks quite realistic, only older, another ethnicity or something else!

5. Or you can just make a person look younger. Lots of different choices to make a face look younger.

6. Need a random American name? This can be difficult, whether you're American or not. It can be difficult to come up with a random name that isn't excessively common or a celebrity name, if you are in a hurry.

7. Need a yearbook photo of your fake self or a fake relative? You can create quite realistic ones from different decades!

8. Or rather a posh photo? You can create a realistic posh photo, to show off how fancy the fake you or your fake family is!

9. You might need to upload your photos somewhere where you don't need an account or username.

10. And of course you might want to make your photos look old fashioned, so you can show photos of your fake ancestors!

Here is an example of a fake identity I created using these links:

My name is Miriam Björk. I live on Klubbvägen 93, 261 01 Båstad, Sweden. You can reach me on my e-mail address MiriamBjork@missiongossip.com or on phone 0431-7414686. My mother's maiden name was Jonsson. My birthday is June 11, 1951, which means I am now 57 years old. My husband is named Gary, he is 40 years old and a Capricorn. He is 6 feet 4. He is a website designer and his favorite actors are Steve McQueen and Denzel Washington, but his favorite movie is still Enter The Dragon. For breakfast, he always likes fruit loops and his favorite color is sage. He drives a Nissan NXR and he is very fond of his African tribal mask collection.

Here is a photo of my husband Gary!



Rupert, 2008-09-25 - 2008-10-01

Rupert's mother was killed by a car and therefore he had to be delivered by Cesarean section, two-three weeks early - Unfortunately, though, he didn't live many days.


You Know, It's Really Difficult

To talk to cats when you have the flu. I speak cat language. No really. Not telepathy or anything, I use their actual language. Cat language has a lot of high pitched tones and stuff. I can't really pronounce cat words very well right now and it is confusing my cats. It's difficult to call for a cat, when my voice is all weird.



My grandma Gerd Elsie Majken Kagervall died on this day, four years ago. I loved grandma Elsie. She was a cool person.



Today it was one year ago that I bought my snake Quetzalcoatl Arne!



Y'all know I'm a photographer and I'm pretty damn good at it, but you know, my photos ain't perfect. Here are some lovely photos by other people for inspiration, some of my fav photos I've found, to show what I'm aiming for. I hope to one day be able to take photos this great or even better, I have taken some quite good photos, but I think I would need a better camera or at least a lot of luck to take photos this cool!

1. Cat eye by Kristina Buceatchi
For my best cat eye photo click HERE

2. Wet bird by unknown photographer
For my best bird photo click HERE

3. Dew-covered insect by Martin Amm
For my best insect photo click HERE

4. Water by Irene Müller
For my best water photo click HERE

5. Frozen time by Harold Edgerton
For my best freeze time photo click HERE

6. Volcano meets thunder storm by Carlos Gutierrez
For my best nature photo click HERE

7. Mantis by Igor Siwanowicz
For my best macro shot click HERE

8. Raptor by Walter Kitundu
For my best feather photo click HERE

9. Raptor in flight by Walter Kitundu
For my best wild animal photo click HERE


Child Portraits By Me

Here are some photos I have taken of children... For more child portraits or other photos by me, dig around in the blog archives or go to http://photobucket.com/signerobertson, I have taken plenty of photos of children, so these won't be all of them, of course!

2008, April, 17, the day my cousin Majken was born
My cousin Olga

July, 18, I went to the zoo
This cool girl was playing with goats

August, 9, we were visiting a friend of my mother's
My cousin Majken

Tired Olga

The 30th, Olga's third birthday party
Thora and Olga


Thora playing in a tree

Olga, the birthday girl

Boel, Saga, Thora, Alma, Hedvig and Olga


September, 13, I spent some time with my cousins and we also met some other kids





October, 14, me and my mother visited my aunt's place

Olga eating melon